
UFW with Docker

Introduction UFW or Uncomplicated Firewall is a simplified CLI firewall management tool. It is easy to use since it hide the complexity of iptables. It is also easy to configure since it has a simple syntax and suitable for controlling firewall from shell scripts. UFW can be used to allow or deny connections based on various criteria, such as source and destination IP addresses, ports, and protocols. The problem is when we install Docker, it will install two custom chains in the iptables: DOCKER and DOCKER-USER....

March 2, 2023 · 5 min · Nguyen Tri Tai
OAuth2 FLow Diagram

Oauth2 - The concept

OAuth2 The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework is an open-standard authorization protocol or framework that provides applications the ability for secure access to protected resources without giving them the password. The key concepts of OAuth include resource owners, clients, authorization server, access tokens, and scopes. Resource owners are entities capable of authorizing access to a protected resource (e.g. user). Clients are third-party applications that want access to a protected resource (e....

March 1, 2023 · 13 min · Nguyen Tri Tai
Tensorboard visualization

Tensorboard Projector Image Visualizer with Tensorflow 2

There are not much infomation on the internet on how to visualize your embeddings with Tensorboard. I’ve had a hard time trying to make it work properly. Although there’re some tutorial on the internet but most of them are for Tensorflow 1 and I didn’t find the Tensorboard guide documentation page much help. So here’s how I make it works and hopefully it’ll help you too. But before we continue, I’ll assume you already have an image dataset with labels and a model ready....

June 10, 2022 · 7 min · Nguyen Tri Tai
Depthwise separable convolution

Depthwise Separable Convolution - How does it works?

Convolution is one of the fundamental building block of Deep Neural Network (DNN) but sometimes, it can be extremely expensive to compute since it brings a lots of parameters and we are running risk of overfiting. This is where depthwise separable convolution can be used to reduce the total number of parameters, as a result, speed up convolution. This is a form of factorized convolutions which factorize a standard convolution into a depthwise convolution and a 1 x 1 convolution called a pointwise convolution....

August 22, 2021 · 7 min · Nguyen Tri Tai
Linear Regression

Linear Regression and a deep dive into the mathematics behind it.

Linear Regression is the most basic, well known and well understood supervised learning algorithm. It’s probably the first thing that every Machine Learning Engineer and Data Scientist come across as it lays the foundation for other sophisticated learning algorithm. But what is it? What is Linear Regression? Before knowing what is linear regression, let us get ourselves accustomed to regression. Regression is a method of modeling the relationships between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables....

May 3, 2021 · 15 min · Nguyen Tri Tai